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王金辉 讲师

姓      名 : 王金辉
出生年月 : 1985-9
籍      贯 : 河南省安阳市汤阴县
职      称 : 讲师
职      务 :系副主任
毕业院校 : 芬兰赫尔辛基大学
学      位 : 博士
研究领域 :植物病原菌功能基因组学



王金辉,男,讲师,博士,硕士生导师。国家留学基金委公派博士生,2019年11月获芬兰赫尔辛基大学博士学位,2020年5月入职河北农业大学植保院植病系。目前主要从事马铃薯软腐类病害、果胶杆菌功能基因组以及马铃薯早疫病菌效应子方面的研究。相关研究成果发表在Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,Phytopathology,Plant Disease,Phytopathology Research等植物病理学专业期刊上。参与国家自然科学基金一项,主持省教育厅项目一项。


[1] 2021-2024,国家自然科学基金面上项目3207010660,马铃薯早疫病菌效应子AsCBP1致病的分子机理,58万元,参与(排名第2)。

[2] 2022-2023,河北省教育厅省属高校基本科研业务费研究项目KY2021067,马铃薯响应早疫病菌效应子AsCEP20的加权基因共表达网络分析(WGCNA),1万元,主持。


1. Han, W.#, Wang, J.#, Pirhonen, M., Pan, Y., Qin, J., Zhang, S., Zhu, J.*, Yang, Z.* 2023. Identification and characterization of opportunistic pathogen Pectobacterium polonicum causing potato blackleg in China. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1097741.

2. Wang, J.#, Xiao, S.#, Zheng, L., Pan, Y., Zhao, D., Zhang, D., Li, Q., Zhu, J.*, and Yang, Z.* 2022. Multiomic approaches reveal novel lineage-specific effectors in the potato and tomato early blight pathogen Alternaria solani. Phytopathology Research 4: 29.

3. Wang, J.#, Han, W.#, Pirhonen, M., Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Cheng, J., Yang, Z., and Zhu, J. 2022. High-quality complete genome resource of Pectobacterium parvum isolate FN20211 causing aerial stem rot of potato. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 35(6): 488-491.

4. Wang, J.#, Lu, Y.#, Han, W., Fu, L., Han, X., Zhu, J., Zhang, S. 2022. First report of rhizome rot caused by Pectobacterium brasiliense on ginger in China. Plant Disease 106(7): 1978.

5. Wang, C., Zhang, D., Cheng, J., Zhao, D., Pan, Y., Li, Q., Zhu, J.*, Yang, Z.*, Wang, J*. 2022. Identification of effector CEP112 that promotes the infection of necrotrophic Alternaria solani. BMC Plant Biology 22(1): 466.

6. Wang, J.#, Haapalainen, M.#, Nissinen, A., and Pirhonen, M. 2021. Dual transcriptional profiling of carrot and ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ at different stages of infection suggests complex host-pathogen interaction. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 34(11): 1281-1297.

7. Wang, J.#, Han, W.#, Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Zhu, J.*, and Yang, Z.* 2022. First report of Erwinia persicina causing stalk rot of celery in China. Plant Disease 106(5): 1514.

8. Wang, J.#, Han, W.#, Pan, Y., Guo, A., Zhang, D., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Zhu, J.*, and Yang, Z.* 2022. First report of stalk rot of celery caused by Erwinia rhapontici in China. Plant Disease 106(5): 1513.

9. Wang, J.#, Han, W.#, Li, Z., Cheng, J., Pan, Y., Zhao, D., Zhang, D., Li, Q., Yang, Z., and Zhu, J. 2022. First report of Pectobacterium polaris causing aerial stem rot of potato in China. Plant Disease 106(2): 755.

10. Han, W.#, Wang, J.#, Li, Z., Pan, Y., Zhang, D., Zhao, D., Li, Q., Yang, Z., and Zhu, J. 2022. First report of Pectobacterium versatile causing aerial stem rot of potato in China. Plant Disease 106(2): 756.

11. Liu, S., Wang, J., Guo, N., Sun, H., Ma, H., Zhang, H., and Shi, J. 2021. Talaromyces funiculosus, a novel causal agent of maize ear rot and its sensitivity to fungicides. Plant Disease 105(12): 3978-3984.

12. Haapalainen, M.#, Wang, J.#, Latvala, S., Lehtonen, M. T., Pirhonen, M., and Nissinen, A. I. 2018. Genetic variation of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ haplotype C and identification of a novel haplotype from Trioza urticae and stinging nettle. Phytopathology 108(8): 925-934.

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